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[XNP]≡ PDF Pere Goriot Honore de Balzac Ellen Marriage 9781537373539 Books

Pere Goriot Honore de Balzac Ellen Marriage 9781537373539 Books

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Download PDF Pere Goriot Honore de Balzac Ellen Marriage 9781537373539 Books

'Pere Goriot' is the tragic story of a father whose obsessive love for his two daughters leads to his financial and personal ruin. Interwoven with this theme is that of the impoverished young aristocrat, Rastignac, who comes to Paris from the provinces to make his fortune, and befriends Goriot and becomes involved with the daughters. The story is set against the background of a whole society driven by social ambition and lust for money.'

Pere Goriot Honore de Balzac Ellen Marriage 9781537373539 Books

The problem here is the translation. Done by Ellen Marriage for the Dent collected edition of Balzac at the beginning of the 20th century, it can be best described as workwomanlike but anachronistic. There are too many stilted passages and archaic word choices of the "Gadzooks" type.

A better choice is Raphael's version for the Nortion series or even Marian Cooper's in Penguin, though it was done 50 years ago.

The yarn itself is one of Balzac's best, though you can find dissenters (Martin Turnell, no fan of Balzac, calls it one of his worst in THE NOVEL IN FRANCE). To be honest, the best of Balzac is not as good as the best of Flaubert, Stendhal, or Proust, but given his ability to keep the reader turning pages in spite of ragged prose and melodramatic excess, GORIOT is still "living literature" and a classic of French literature.

Product details

  • Paperback 176 pages
  • Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 31, 2016)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1537373536

Read Pere Goriot Honore de Balzac Ellen Marriage 9781537373539 Books

Tags : Pere Goriot [Honore de Balzac, Ellen Marriage] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 'Pere Goriot' is the tragic story of a father whose obsessive love for his two daughters leads to his financial and personal ruin. Interwoven with this theme is that of the impoverished young aristocrat,Honore de Balzac, Ellen Marriage,Pere Goriot,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1537373536,FICTION Classics
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Pere Goriot Honore de Balzac Ellen Marriage 9781537373539 Books Reviews

An extraordinary describtion and analysis of plot characters.Starts out almost too detailed which proves very important to understand the atmosphere of the place,the relationship and background motives for the interaction of the main characters. Then suddenly action is setting in and the story moves so fast that events rush to one climax toping or aggravating the next. There is a lot of life's truth divulged making you pensive and insightful since the topic of exaggerated love and adoration of children being incapable or not wanting to be capable of recognizing the "wrong" exaggerated unhealthy disproportional devotedness with all its dangers , is still valid till today. A highly enjoyable novel with outstanding selection of vocabularies. And the topping is the last sentence of the story demonstrating that one can see the faults and mistakes in life's situation and circumstances ,knowing what to do better to avoid the perils and... yet ,turning a blind eye to cognition and keep continuing the unethical way.
this book is one of the foundations of modern French literary culture. An ambitious young man from a respectable middle class background comes to Paris, which is divided among extremely rich and grindingly poor beyond even whatever you might have seen in NYC, and is seduced by all the potential wealth, power, and visions of beautiful women just beyond his grasp. He finds an example before him of a father who sacrifices everything for his daughters, who end up despising him as the result of being over indulged and spoiled. All relationships are completely utilitarian other than those that are one sided exploitations. This is a novel to reveal and teach the naive about the dangers of high and low society, once the stakes get high enough to act as a criminalizing force on everyone. This book is a classic of another era but remains modern and relevant to any society in which there is vast and well established inequality. There is also the charm of the descriptions and settings of refined luxury among ultra rich, set against the descriptions of the cheap boarding house, for dramatic contrast. It does tend a bit toward melodrama, but the themes and characters are realist and were among the first to describe the social realities of everyday life.
I started this with misgivings because it began pretty slowly with the introduction of so many people and scenery descriptions. BUT before long it became quite a page-turner and quite a powerful satire and criticism of society and social norms. Not only of the Paris of those times but if our world of today. Yes, it is finally a blistering and moving condemnation of false values and shallow notions of the acceptable.
Pere Goriot is an extraordinary commentary on the corrupt, money and status hungry citizens of post-revolutionary Paris, a center of pretentious, nouveau riche cultural “refinement” and spiritual vacuity. Goriot, an uneducated, but prosperous businessman has allowed his daughters to suck his coffers dry by acceding to their never-ending requests for money to support their extravagant lifestyles. Balzac’s character studies are razor sharp and unsparing, yet not without a sense of humor. I’ve read very little French literature - and no Balzac - before, but absolutely loved this classic work.
The problem here is the translation. Done by Ellen Marriage for the Dent collected edition of Balzac at the beginning of the 20th century, it can be best described as workwomanlike but anachronistic. There are too many stilted passages and archaic word choices of the "Gadzooks" type.

A better choice is Raphael's version for the Nortion series or even Marian Cooper's in Penguin, though it was done 50 years ago.

The yarn itself is one of Balzac's best, though you can find dissenters (Martin Turnell, no fan of Balzac, calls it one of his worst in THE NOVEL IN FRANCE). To be honest, the best of Balzac is not as good as the best of Flaubert, Stendhal, or Proust, but given his ability to keep the reader turning pages in spite of ragged prose and melodramatic excess, GORIOT is still "living literature" and a classic of French literature.
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